Límites de la educación superior basada en competencias

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Carlos Diego Martínez Cinca


Competency-Based Education (CBE) represents a new model of higher education widely spread among European universities since the beginning of the “Bologna Process”. But CBE entails several difficulties analyzed in this paper. Its main obstacle lies in reducing the proper dimension of practical reason to all instrumental and technical rationality. Also, current objections against traditional knowledge-based education come from typical “straw-man fallacies” deployed by some campaigners of CBE, as showed in the second part of this paper. Finally, it is proved that the abilities and skills contained in the Aristotelian concept of virtue point out the necessity of theoretical knowledge for entrepreneurship and innovation in higher education.

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Author Biography

Carlos Diego Martínez Cinca, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo